Tuesday 17 August 2010

The Electric Lady

The electric lady licks her lips shakes her hips and strums crying out,
“Grinding grey men flaying guitar Leyden maidens on altars of anguish”,
She flings her fingers deep eyes reaching for the moon witch echoes in the womb to beats of whom,
Caressing carelessness she eats rainbows of fire in a breaths desire,
Taught toes imbedded in skies as she felt its demise before she sore the sun rise as heaven had shaken her very eyes,
As she screams a thousand virgins bleed under the sky of thy and the devil is set to cry of raptures of velvet blood with hands held high we reach for the unattainable love of thy,
Glistening thunder rips patterns in paradoxes as illusions of values in virtues crashes through the walls of her very being,
Her engorged body engulfed in kisses ripples as the electric lady rips.

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