Saturday 1 May 2010

The Sexually Repressed Wildebeest Called Joe

I wish to smile for a long wile,
Spoke the horney tramp under the lazy lamp,
You are a gift from the gods an angel fallen unto times of mine,
I see Pixies picketing the gates of heaven in order to admit the,
Your lips whisper of ones children to be,
Clutched to your breast would be to see the birth of beauty,
Your tears wash the sins of very soul,
I feel the sadness of my happiness without you,
In my bed is were your soul should slumber,
Smile unto me this shinning night,

She quietly shouts I covert fistfuls of fivers into
heaven for muff divers,
If you have the price to plunder pleasures on shores
of whores then we dance until the liquor adores,
Brothers of mine don’t get declined unless the
payment to night is not right,
Under lazy lamps related tramps whores barter prices with brothers.

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